w/ Jackie Yu

Can architecture be satirical? Does it strip away the responsibilities/design process of an architect? Cruisin’ It is a project that attempts to tackle mainstream consumerism. The project envisions a cruise line that connects a chain necklace of sites located around Pittsburgh. Through the cruise line and development projects, the goal is to enrich tourism and culture while being cognizant of how and where we use water, ultimately questioning how to give back to the river and community. By creating a sustainable water feedback loop that powers the system on all sites, the project tests the idea of consumerism and its ethical limits. The project will be narrated through the lens of local tour guide and developer representative.


On behalf of the YU agency I’d like to welcome you all to cruisin’ it, our unique cruise line experience that encapsulates Pittsburgh’s rich culture in casinos, distilleries, as well as delicious oyster bars. Our goal is to reinvigorate and push Pittsburgh towards a more colorful and cultural city that celebrates who we are.


The water used at each event is contributed by the purification of harvested rainwater and recycled rivers. With water activating the underlying operating system in the sites, cultural moments in relationship to water are situational and explorative.

Cruise Line: Mini Casino | Distillery Hybrid Boats

TOUR GUIDE: As our cruise line demonstrates, being conscious of water usage doesn’t mean we should sacrifice leisure activities. We embark on our journey cruising it by introducing our signature mini boats situated in the North Shore. These little guys will be transporting you throughout your stay with us. But what’s more is that the mini boats are built in with casino facilities and distillery systems, so don’t worry about motion sickness because you will be intoxicated and gambling the entire time.

DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE: These mini water delivery boats play an important role as the main connectors of our destinations. Their main job of transporting used and cleaned water across the river allows recycling resources.


TOUR GUIDE: With our mini boats, we arrive our first destination in Duquesne incline, where we repurposed a vacant parking lot into a vibrant transportation hub with boutique shops, restaurants, and apartment-style short-term housing. Through our hub you can take the historic Duquesne incline tram that allows you to experience Pittsburgh from a different point of view. But most notably, the central hub features a serene yet grand waterfall at the center which channels rainwater from our roof catchment system. you can either admire the waterfall from afar or venture directly through our glazed staircase.

DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE: The topography of the situated site makes for a natural water retention system that makes the collection of water advantageous and easy in this area. Water flows throughout the site through a series of terracing motifs. Not only does the site sit on a terraced landscape but also implements water terraces that highlight the journey of water back to the river as you venture around.


TOUR GUIDE: From the Duquesne incline, our mini boats will then take you to the strip district, which is known for its diverse restaurants and social scene. But as you venture towards the riverfront further away from the shops, you will reach our second main destination, which is our oyster water paradise. You can drop your kids off at the splash pads while you enjoy our oyster bar, which serves oyster that is grown and harvested on-site. And If you really love the oysters and wish to bring some home, you can also visit the local seafood market where we offer freshly caught goods from the river.

DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE: The puddle-inspired architecture echoes the action of rainwater to provide an active community space during wet conditions. The intervention of rainwater and daily life encourages all to just have fun. The addition of bioswales situated at the intersections across the strip district makes use of the vacant land reserved for automobiles to alternatively contribute culturally.


TOUR GUIDE: Finally, after a long day of eventful activities from Duquesne and strip, we venture back to Northshore where the mini boats dock for the night. Don’t worry though, our journey is not over yet, our casino hotel located right at the Northshore docks will provide you lodging for the night where you will be able to have a good night’s rest... OR you could WINE down your eventful day with our diverse collection of beverages ranging from distillery wine and local draft beer at the main lobby of the hotel.

DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE:A fun fact about this site is that it serves as a water treatment facility! (Point of location in plan) Walking around the site, you can’t miss the water piping infrastructure. Whether it be the lobby, treatment center, or casino, the water pumped to power pool your entertainment is regenerative with this system.

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